Additional Information
Modern Slavery Act
Clays Modern Slavery Act 2015 Policy Statement
Slavery and human trafficking (“Modern Slavery”) is a worldwide and far reaching issue. Clays is completely opposed to any form of slavery and human trafficking. Our staff are expected to highlight concerns that they may have, using the appropriate reporting channels, and management are expected to act accordingly.
This statement refers to the financial year ending 31st December 2023.
Our business
Clays is the UK’s market-leading book production specialist and the supplier to many leading publishing houses. We specialise in producing monochrome paperbacks and hardbacks in any quantity and to a wide range of sizes. We have the capability to wire-stitch and perfect bind book blocks, finishing the product off with an extensive range of cover and jacket print and finishes. Clays in based in Bungay, UK.
Clays was acquired by Elcograf S.p.A (a member of the Italian Gruppo Pozzoni) in May 2018.
Our supply chains
Clays has been producing books for over 200 years and therefore has a mature, well-established supply chain for most products. The majority of products and services are sourced from suppliers based in Europe.
Our supply chain due diligence processes
As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk, we have reinforced the systems in place to:
- Identify and monitor risk areas in our supply chain
- Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains
- Protect whistle blowers
These systems have been strengthened by:
- Enhancement of our strategic supplier relationships, using where advantageous, our Group supply chain knowledge and experience.
- The development of our sustainability agenda with a company commitment under SBTi has reinforced the links with our suppliers. Through more in-depth discussions with our key supply chain partners, we are able to more fully understand the extended supply chain and mitigate risks therein.
- Supplier audits being carried out on key suppliers to Clays.
- Updating the General Terms of Purchase to state that suppliers are required to adhere to the Clays Ethical Trading Policy.
Going forward:
- Clays continues in its commitment to enhancing our supply chain interactions further through strategic re-evaluation processes to identify any changing risks or additional areas to focus.
- We will continue to develop the training provided to a wider group of stakeholders within the business to improve awareness.
- We will be issuing an updated Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure our ethical and legal expectations are clear with all our supply chain.
Our policies
Clays will not knowingly do business with any organisation or body involved in slavery or human trafficking. Our commitment to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 is reinforced by the following policies:
- Ethical Trading Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Grievance Procedure
- Receipt of Gifts
Our People
Our HR function addresses employee issues and conducts a formal recruitment process which includes pre-employment checks. This includes processes to ensure that employees have the right to work in the United Kingdom and Clays complies with the National Living Wage which became law on 1 April 2016.
Staff awareness initiatives are conducted within Clays facilitated by training for specific roles. The HR policies are reviewed periodically and rolled out to all employees.
We ensure transparency and independent validation of our labour standards and health and safety through regular SMETA audits (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit).
This policy statement concerning slavery and human trafficking is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and was approved by Clays Board in July 2024.
Edoardo Cuomo
CEO, Clays
July 2024